Sunday, May 20, 2012

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

We went to the doctor in Boise a little over a week ago and got our 20 week ultrasound, which means we found out that our baby is a boy! We are so excited, especially Kyleur because "The family name will carry on and the rest of our kids can be girls." haha. Here is a picture of his profile, you can see his little hand above his face. :) so cute!


The doctor asked me while we were there if the doctor here in Rexburg gave me the due date of September 26th, and of course I said yes. He replied saying that the baby is a little big then and that usually first babies come around 5 days late and it wouldn't be a bad thing if ours came early. Uh oh! I'm gunna have a big baby, at least I can prepare myself mentally right now. haha. I am a little nervous, but sooo excited and wish that he could be here right now, even though we are no where near ready to have a baby in our apartment. After we found out that we were having a boy we went to Babies R Us and started looking around. I saw so many cute little outfits, so I asked Kyleur if we could buy one. So we got this cute outfit that has monkeys on it. I am so excited to see him in it. :)

Here are a few more pictures of our little guy!

Here are his little arms!

Here are his feet. I love that you can see his toes!

Here are his legs. 

Which the muscles are working great! He kicks or punches me all the time, but I love it! Kyleur can feel him kick now, which is so exciting. It is starting to feel real for both of us. You can also see my stomach move when he kicks.


Kyleur was in Boise selling security systems, but he decided that it was more important that he is here with me while I am pregnant. I am so happy he came back to Rexburg. He was gone for a week and I hated being alone. He is such a great husband! He is so caring and hard working. Making decisions can be hard sometimes but he is so great at doing whatever he feels is right. Kyleur will be such a great dad to our little boy! :)

Jazz Game!

Kyleur and I got to go to a Jazz game a couple weeks ago with his Aunt Jan and Uncle Lorin. It was just a day trip to Utah but it was still way fun. Thanks Jan and Lorin for taking us! :)

We got there probably an hour or so before the game started and we were sitting in the seats on our tickets, which happened to be in the noise bleed section. You can kinda see our seats way up high.


But we were sitting there for like 5 minutes and a guy came up to us and gave us four tickets to sit in the 14th row! How can you say no? We were so excited that we didn't have to sit up so high.


Our seats were awesome. Sadly the Jazz didn't win and that meant that they were out of the playoffs, but it was still a good game! :)